Solidarity With Palestine!!

We are local community members determined to uphold our Port of New Orleans accountable for its involvement with Zionist entities.

We ensure that our community remains a major factor in our engagement. NOSHIP is here for all of us to demystify contact with our port and encourage other community members to participate. Participation can look like showing up through any of our actions.

  • Email blasts
  • Phone zaps
  • Reading a public comment at the Port Meetings
  • Showing up to rallies & marches
  • Attending panels

Sign up for our Newsletter

The emails will highlight information on upcoming NOSHIP actions and other calls to action!! Thank you for your interest! Strength through community.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    NOSHIP demands can be found on our Instagram. We meet weekly, please DM our Instagram if you want to attend!!